Assemble Illinois

A place for action by

We the People

Explanation of Notice:
The Peoples Notice of Recognition

of Abused Power and Nullified Actions

[ 752024nul ] (47 min)

What is a notice

and how to fill it out (7 min)



to fill out this form.

Your submission will automatically be emailed to the public servants listed on the notice.

However, in the event our servants choose to ignore the notice and further action is needed, by affidavit, you will need a form of verification that the notice was received by them.

The easiest way to do this is by USPS certified mail with return receipt.

Do you want to SKIP mailing it yourself?

If so, The cost of certified mail gets expensive,

if you would like to cost share the mailing for $5.00 per notice.

We will print, package, and mail the hard copy of your notice

to all servants listed on the notice.

Please consider adding additional when you join the mailing membership

to assist with other associated costs of maintaining the website

and other technology used to make the electronic

notices available to broadly diffuse knowledge.

Steps to mail your own notice:

1) Print notice on legal sized paper

(One for each person it is addressed to).

2) Enclose each notice in legal sized envelope and address one to each servant.

3) Go to Post Office and mail via certified mail with return receipt (green card).

Each mailing will cost approx $11-$12, plus office supplies.

Don't want to contribute towards a membership fee at this time?

It's ok!

To be notified of

new action and resources

please fill out the below form.

Illinois Constitution

Article 1 - Section 5

Text of Section 5:

Right to Assemble and Petition

The people have the right to assemble in a peaceable manner, to consult for the common good, to make known their opinions to their representatives and to apply for redress of grievances.


"The information and documents on this site are not a solicitation of professional services or provision of legal advice or consultation. Anyone who signs any of the documents or joins any membership agrees that they are responsible for any of the documents they are submitting"